
2、我们学校的副校长里面有一名女性,当大家觉得她在一些问题面前能和同学们感同身受的时候,总是赞叹说:“不愧是女校长,就是不一样。” 当大家觉得她对学工活动有些多管闲事的时候,也会用同样的话阴阳怪气:“不愧是女校长,真是不一样。”


1. We are 5 men and 2 women who went cycling in Hainan Island. When chatting with the owner of a kiosk along the road, he said, "It's good for the boys to come out and experience more, how come you two girls are also following? It will be bad if you were asked by others."

2. There is a female vice principal in our university, and when people feel that she can empathize with the students when facing some problems, they always exclaim: "No wonder she is a female principal, she's so different”. However, when people feel that she is a bit nosy about school activities, they also use the same kind of words in a sarcastic way: "No wonder she is a female principal, she’s really different”.

——Xiao Neng
