






我震惊,我觉得可悲,同时又觉得很“好笑”,我其实一直有在网上看到过这种经典发言,但我活了18年多,一直没有在现实生活中听到过(这种言论出现率很高,只是本人不喜欢和亲戚有过多过密接触,且只是没有听到过这个“经典言论”,歧视女性的相关其他言论听到过)。这是我第一次,my first time,听到这种言论,真正地对着我本人说的。有一种“终于见到了传说中的什么”的感觉。






During my freshman break, my mom and I happened to encounter my uncle. I didn't meet this uncle very often, and we weren't close, the last time I saw him was when I was in elementary school.

He looked at me and said "Gee, you've grown up so much, now you're in college? You're on vacation so you're back?"

I said yes.

Then he smiled and said to my mom, "So you're going to be a grandmother!”.

I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything at that time.

Then my mother said no, because I still have to go to graduate school afterwards, and grad school takes at least two years to complete.

He laughed and said, "Why do girls need to study so much? The most useful way for girls is to marry a good husband. Girls have to marry well to be useful.”

I was shocked, and I found it pathetic and "funny” in the meantime. In fact, I've always seen these kinds of typical patriarchal words on the Internet. But I've never heard of it in real life, during the more than 18 years that I have lived. (This kind of statement appears on a high frequency. But since I just don't like to have too much close contact with relatives, I never heard this “typical statement”. But I have heard other kinds of statements related to discrimination against females). This is my first time, my first time, to hear this kind of statement, which really said to me personally, making me feel like I "finally met something ‘legendary’”.

I wanted to argue with him, but I think the idea behind this statement is that it is extremely disrespectful to women and at the same time not very respectful to men, objectifying both sides at the same time. Heterosexuality in this context is sad and pathetic for both genders. The woman has no value of her own, and her value is actually dependent on the male, while the male becomes used as a tool to reflect the value of others. However, in such a patriarchal system, men oppress women more (this is an undeniable fact), and men are the ones who enjoy the gender dividends, literally "tools" in the sense that they have no real meaning, but gain many practical benefits. This is one of the reasons why most men are unaware of this or don't care even if they are aware of it. I wanted to say to him that I have my own value and I don't need to rely on the so-called "marriage" to prove my worth and get my own affirmation of value.

But when you think about it, he will most likely not understand what I'm talking about, because this is his "faith", the power of faith is strong, how he will allow me to overturn his ridiculous "faith" it. It is very likely that it will not be a happy ending and my mother will have a hard time in it.

Another thing that struck me. In my second year of high school, I was asked about my studies by one of my closer female elders. I did well on my monthly exams and was satisfied with my grade ranking. A cousin's aunt heard and said to me, "It's useless for girls to get good grades now, they'll end up being overtaken by boys in their senior year anyway, boys have plenty of backbone".

I think we can understand the joy of getting good grades in high school, and when I heard that, I felt my good mood disappear.

——Mao Yujing
