
“止疼药吃多了对身体不好 生不出孩子以后要被婆家嫌弃的”

“学不过人家也很正常 人家是理科生 还是男孩子”




"Abstract thinking is not as good for girls as it is for boys."

"Too many painkillers are bad for your health. If you can't give birth, your in-laws will dislike you."

"It's normal to fail to learn from others, they are science students or boys"

"If you can't go to a good university, the man you're dating will grunt out of his nose when he sees your education."

"What do girls need to work so hard for? Look at your mother, she only has a high school education and married your father, and now she still has a car and a brand-name dress."

——Li Ku
