


I am currently enrolled in an engineering college majoring in science and technology. For me, having been in a polytechnic environment for a long time, the time when I can clearly feel sexism is when it involves admissions and employment.

One of the labs in our school used to explicitly say that they don't admit female students, and the number of female students in my lab is currently decreasing year by year. My impression is that the words that have always influenced me are: girls should find a stable job in the future, make it easier, and struggle to buy a house, which are all men's business. In fact, as a doctoral student in engineering, I have achieved more than many male students, and the hard work I have done is obvious to all. But no matter my parents or the surrounding environment still ignore my efforts, set a seemingly simple goal for me, ignoring the diversity of my future life, as if as a woman, the path to life in the eyes of onlookers is the same: to be a stable and reliable bow, the strongest end of a ray, to assist men to shoot high into the sky. In this atmosphere, I find it hardest to bear not the blatant discrimination, but the invisible discrimination that is ubiquitous in society within the industry, the derogatory remarks about women that can appear in schools at any time.

