






I grew up loving the arts, and was cheated by my parents the day I reported to high school (my mom thought there was no way out of learning the language), so I didn't propose to enter the arts class with the teacher in charge of registration, so I was enrolled in the science class for a year, and simply decided to go a little more off the beaten track in my sophomore year, taking the path of art, so I used the name to switch to the arts. The math teacher in the liberal arts class was a 50-year-old dry, thin old man who inexplicably lost his temper in class every day and often said to the class (almost all girls) that you girls are just stupid, girls just can't think, because girls are stupid so they can't learn math. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible solution to the problem.

Once, because of a mistake in his board, so I did not understand a problem, I was not 100% sure it was his mistake, but also to show respect, I did not immediately raise my hand to raise questions, but after class alone to the podium to ask him, the whole calm and polite, but he realized that he wrote a mistake after the thunderstorm, first suddenly cursed at me, and then picked up the math book into a volume of force The whole class heard the loud noise after it hit me. The whole class was in shocked silence, but because I was alone to ask questions, no classmate knew the reason why he suddenly hit me, and no one intervened. I then reacted violently and argued with him. Everyone heard the context during our argument, but no one offered help. As the next class was about to begin, I offered to go to his office to clear the matter up so as not to delay the regular classes of the teachers and students in the next session. He shared an office with two female teachers. The two female teachers saw me in tears and argued with him, but were not moved. During that time, he even said "you girls are just stupid and can't understand science, otherwise why would you switch to arts".

After I cried and shouted "because I want to study art", my homeroom teacher intervened and took me away from his office. My homeroom teacher, a female geography teacher, told me not to take it personally, saying, "That's just the way he is. But that didn't comfort me. What chilled me was that my best girl friend in the next arts class (the same man taught math in their class), after hearing my account of the incident, didn't raise any objections to what the math teacher said, but advised me to be tolerant and to put up with the man, saying "that's just the way he is", and that she didn't think it was a serious matter at all. The matter.

At that time, I was only hurt by the man's unqualified behavior and emotion management ability like a giant baby, and felt very aggrieved, although I heard the discriminatory remarks, but did not realize that the discrimination behind that was also part of my aggression, and when I realized the great injustice of that discrimination, I had already graduated from there, and now to that man in addition to scorn only scorn.

Btw, my math score in the college entrance exam was not particularly high, but it wasn't low either. It is a key high school, its science in our city one of the best, I was in the science class, the best math scores, our grade first, it is a girl.

And he said "girls are just stupid", I also graduated with the first grade in my major during my undergraduate studies.

——Zhang Dian
