






My grandmother was patriarchal. I heard my mother and grandmother say that when I was born she was looking at the male baby of a stranger in the next bed.

In fact, I never understood why she wanted a grandson when she already had my father as her son. When she was in elementary school, she was abused by her grandfather, and I was scared and cried when I witnessed the whole process. He slapped her and beat her with a clothesline. Afterwards, she almost went deaf in one ear and later had problems with her eye on the same side. I usually do not interact with my grandfather, but I am still angry at my grandmother.

I was in junior high school when the second child was opened, the policy came out before the wind, I think, she implied that my father regenerated a she helped bring. I even suspect that if my dad hadn't been afraid of losing his job, she wouldn't have had the patience to wait until the policy was implemented. The actual fact is that you will be able to get a lot more than just a few of the most popular and popular items. My mother is busy with work and health, and I do not like my brother, I said at the time that if my mother had a boy I would strangle him to death. My father also did not want a second child, she made a fuss to cut off relations with my father, this thing is quite a big deal, many relatives know to persuade her, probably from the beginning to the end of a year or two before she died.

I remember very well, when I was in junior high school I would walk with my friends after school, and usually talk about various things. Once talking about my grandmother's preference for sons, my friend was almost home when she happened to talk about her forcing my mother to have a second child, and I was crying while talking on that path.

When I learned biology in high school, every time she told me who had a second child (nothing more than chasing a male baby) I disliked her with Down syndrome. She didn't understand this but would say that those children are quite normal.

If you look at it from the world's perspective (grades, education, etc.), I'm considered very good compared to my relatives' children, but she still thinks it's better to have a boy. I have to say that my grandmother's patriarchal beliefs had a negative impact on my development.

--Jiang Guan
