

I was told by my high school teacher that girls naturally have a harder time learning science than boys, so she didn't expect me to learn much better. I just insisted on learning to show her. In college, I was told by relatives that no one would want a girl with a high degree. I just had to study and graduate with all A's. I do housework, cooking, was said to be virtuous, who married me to be lucky to die. I immediately shrugged it off and did not serve. I shaved my head and was told I didn't look like a girl. I still shave my head every month, lightning does not change. I went to graduate school and was told that girls are born with little strength and can't hold equipment. I was always the first to get the equipment. Did their words bother me? I used to, but now I've learned to focus on myself and listen to my inner voice. I would also argue back and fight with them, but slowly the voices stopped. I used my strength to prove to them that girls can be all kinds of things, that girls are strong and good, and that girls are confident. It doesn't matter what they say, what matters is what I think I am.

