



In college, I was persistently harassed by a guy for four months. After I blacked out and deleted all contact with him on social media platforms, he would still brush his presence in front of me in a series of ways. When I told my advisor about this, he was quite concerned at the beginning. But after asking if the boy was into me and I answered "yes", his focus then turned to whether I had said anything inappropriate that make the guy misunderstand. After I presented a series of evidence proving that I hadn't paid much attention to the guy from the beginning to the end and had only just answered a few academic questions for him, my advisor sighed, "He's pretty obsessed then." Then I realized that the issue suddenly didn't seem serious to them.

My roommate knew what the guy was like and knew that I couldn't have said anything inappropriate to the guy. But she kept saying, actually, you should think about why you're the only one who would suffer something like this.

I know she had good intentions, or everyone has good intentions, but why do I have to be at fault? Until now that boy is still brushing up his presence and visually “raping” me every day through every platform he knows, but I don't know who to ask for help anymore.

——San San
