我是独生女,父母非自愿的独生,原因是工作不允许养两个孩子,所以只能独生,开放二胎政策后我的父母一直说要养二胎,因为种种原因最终没养,我是不愿意有弟弟妹妹的,但是他们一直想要 理由是有个人陪着养老照顾方便,平时也有个帮衬,最后只能说谢天谢地他们没养吧,也不想和他们过多的争执这个话题,只是一直隐隐有些不舒服,但没多想,因为在我看来父母是很爱我的,没有因为我是女孩就如何,也大致决定家里的房子最后给我(毕竟没人可以给)他们也一直认为不能重男轻女,我还很高兴他们能够这么想,还有一些说有了孩子我给你带,聊天提到嫁妆什么的也说反正家里就你一个,还不都是你的你急什么,我的生活不算富裕但在小县城也算不错了,我真的一直自认为自己很幸福。

可是就在今天早上我和父母说起这个话题,先聊的是婚恋市场,又说现在的孩子难养,要买房买车,这时我还以为买房车不分男女,突然话锋一转,我妈说,那你要是有个弟弟,那房子哪里还轮得到你?我反驳说为什么就给弟弟,不能给我吗?我妈说哪里有那么多房子 就一套啊,分一半给也不够啊,我说那就分一半啊,凭什么不能分一半?就默认全部给弟弟?我妈没说话了


我妈这时发现到了我的不对劲,反应过来了开始圆话,笑着和我说开玩笑的,别较真啊,我没理她,看我还在哭,她又讨好我说,哎呀到时候给你 全部都给你,有弟弟也给你,行了吧?我还是没说话只是一个人无声地哭,我爸见状就马上打圆场,怪我妈妈,说压根没有的事情你胡乱说什么!我妈这时大概也有点尴尬了就一直在哄我,又绕开话题说那xx家里还没有房子呢,那就不孝顺父母了啊?我忍了半天还是忍不住回怼了一句,没有房子就没有房子,没有房子也比房子全部给弟弟好,你既然那么喜欢弟弟,那你自己生个弟弟养老吧,反正房子也给他,我妈又说那把你养这么大也不容易,你就一点不养老啊?我心里想说的是你重男轻女我养什么养,但是又觉得这话过了,不忍心对他们这样说,就只是选择了沉默。

后来我一个人哭了半天,我妈也是说不出什么话来哄我了,一家三口三个人都没开口,空气中弥漫着尴尬,只有我一个人在那里哭,最后我实在受不了了跑到房间里面来一个人呆着了 我真的万万没有想到我和父母讨论这个话题会得到他们这样的回答,他们哄我的时候一直说的是开玩笑的,不是认真的,说全部给我,我只觉得很讽刺,下意识的情况下直接认为当然给弟弟,甚至哪怕我压根没有弟弟,他们也默认我一旦有了个弟弟我就变成了不值钱的那个,他们觉得我当前的一切建设在客观原因我恰好是个独生女的条件上,只要有了弟弟,我就什么都不是了,我现在拥有时一切,哪怕是父母的宠爱以及我家的全部财产,都是因为我只能是一个独生女,多么可笑,因为房子没有人可以给了,所以他们说给我,因为只有我一个,所以说以后当了外婆给我带孩子,因为财产不给我留着也没人给,所以可以肯定地说家里一切都是我的。




I am an only child, my parents involuntary only child, the reason is that work does not allow to raise two children, so only an only child, after the opening of the two-child policy my parents have always said to raise two children, because of various reasons ultimately did not raise, I do not want to have a younger brother and sister, but they always want to reason is to have someone with the elderly care convenient, usually have a help, and finally can only say thank God they did not raise it, and do not want to and they I don't want to argue with them too much about this topic, but there has been some vague discomfort, but didn't think much of it, because in my opinion my parents love me very much, not because I am a girl on how, also roughly decided that the family house finally to me (after all, no one can give) they have always thought that they can not be patriarchal, I am also very happy that they can think so, and some said that there is a child I give you to bring, chatting about dowry or something also said anyway I'm not rich, but in the small county is not bad, I really always thought I was happy.

But just this morning I talked to my parents about this topic, first talking about the marriage market, and said that now the children are difficult to raise, to buy a house to buy a car, at this time I thought to buy a car regardless of gender, suddenly the conversation turned, my mother said, then if you have a brother, where the house still get your turn? I retorted, "Why should I give it to my brother, not to me? My mother said that there are so many houses, just one set of ah, half to also not enough ah, I said then half ah, why can not share half? I said, "Why can't you give half of it to your brother? My mother did not say anything.

In fact, I was stunned when I heard the first sentence, I'm not saying that I just want a house in the family, but my mother's words really, that moment of no hesitation, so sure that the house to the brother, I really feel like a clown, after she finished her perception I really speechless, my mother later talked about other topics, I stayed in place for at least three minutes, and then could not help but feel The actual fact is that you can't be sure that you're going to be able to get a good deal on your own.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get a good deal on this. I still didn't say anything, just cried silently, my father saw this and immediately rounded up, blaming my mother, saying that there is no such thing as you talking nonsense! My mother is probably a little embarrassed at this point has been coaxing me, and then around the topic said that the xx family does not have a house yet, that is not filial parents ah? I tolerated half a day or can not help but dislike a sentence, no house is no house, no house is better than the house all to the brother, since you like brother so much, then you give birth to a brother pension it, anyway, the house also to him, my mother said again that you raised so big is not easy, you do not pension ah? I want to say in my heart is that you are patriarchal I raise what to raise, but also feel that this is too much, can not bear to say so to them, just choose the silence.

Then I cried alone for half a day, my mother is also unable to say anything to coax me, a family of three people did not speak, the air was filled with embarrassment, only I was alone there crying, and finally I could not stand to run to the room to stay alone I really never thought that I and my parents to discuss this topic will get such a response from them, they coaxed me when they have been talking about joking, not They think that everything I currently have is built on the condition that I happen to be an only child for objective reasons, and as long as I have a brother, I am nothing, and I have everything now, even if it is My parents' favor and all my family's property are because I can only be an only child, how ridiculous, because there is no one to give the house, so they said to me, because there is only one of me, so said later when the grandmother to me with children, because the property is not given to me to keep no one to give, so you can say for sure that everything in the family is mine.

I now really feel that I have lived twenty years like a complete joke, everything is a handout, it is my unborn "brother" do not want things so give me, if they really do not love me so much, I can take for granted indifference, ridiculous is ridiculous in that they do love me, in the invisible The "brother" was not born, they gave me all the love, is only me so love me, not love me so only me, I have so far all the assets, and all the love of parents, in the end how much sincere it?

I have been a thief for twenty years, hogging everything from my brother who will not be born for about this lifetime, and my bright and upright these years, today turned into a sharp knife that pierced my heart, because of their sincere efforts I can not hate justified, and because they take for granted I can not love the heart, I now only feel lost, the original girl living in this world itself is I'm not sure what I'm doing.

——Xing Xing Geng
