


There is a lot of invisible sexism in my family. For example, if I don't like to cook and do housework, they will say "you are a girl, no one will want you if you can't cook". When I planned to upgrade my education and position, they would say, "A girl can work just about the same, there is no need to work so hard". The more intuitive word is that when I was 17 years old, my mother was in advanced maternal age and wanted to have a second child. When I came back from school, my room was vacated for my brother, and I lived in the study for five years, like a guest. My dad wasn't very nice to me as a child, would domestic abuse me, but never scolded my brother, and basically gave him whatever he wanted. They later said that they gave me money to study in graduate school, so they would not give me money to buy a house, and "I just need to marry a husband with a house", my brother is different, he is still young. When it comes to graduate school, my grandmother suddenly approached me one day and told me not to read it, saying that my brother was born, the expenses have become large, so I can work directly. All kinds of little things, and it's not a little thing.

I think if I hadn't had higher education, I probably would have felt that these words were not discriminatory, or even justified, because most ordinary girls are taught from a young age that "you're a girl, you should be quiet/be clean/not sit with your legs crossed/how about ballet", not "You are a girl, you should be brave / strong / hard / eat more to become strong to protect other children". My mother now often talks about me as a child, saying that when I was young I was obedient and sweet, but now in my twenties I am becoming "not like a girl". The trial of my own identity as a woman began at birth.

