
出一个社团来?简直惊世骇俗!” 底下爆发出了非常欢快的笑声。






I remembered a case where a counselor gave a meeting to the first year and mentioned that a senior student had applied to set up a club to study feminism, and the counselor's tone was full of incredible contempt, with the subtext probably being "How dare you? How dare you try to create a club by boxing?

to create a club? What a shock!" The bottom erupted in laughter.
I was more saddened by the 3:7 ratio of men to women than by the male counselor in the system.

The laughter exuded a kind of hollowness and numbness, and for the first time, it gave concrete expression to my understanding of the word "fool". P.S. Plato's cave metaphor - if one stays in the outside world for a long time and then returns to the cave

If a man stays in the outside world for a long time and then returns to the cave, he will feel the darkness again for a while, and for those prisoners who only have shadows and echoes as their reality, he will feel the darkness again.

For the prisoner, who has only shadows and echoes as his reality, what he has experienced is a nightmare.

