我小学三年级暑假报了一个篮球班,里面除了我以外只有一个女生,剩下全是男生;教练以“保护”为由,把我们和男生分开教学;男生们不带我们俩打球,还欺负我们。不久后另一个女生退出了就剩我一个人,每节课几乎都没学啥,因为老师觉得女生就是来玩的,也不太认真教… 后来我总是一个人呆着,特别孤独,也退出了。直到上大学之前我都没再尝试过这项运动并且“自然”地认为这项运动不属于我,因为我是个女孩子。


I enrolled in a basketball extracurricular class in the summer of my third year at elementary school, there was only one girl besides me, the rest were all boys. The coach taught us separately from the boys becuase he thought “girls need protection"; The boys refused to play basketball with us and even bullied us. Soon, the other girl quited the class and I was left alone. I barely learned anything, as the coach thought girls were there only for fun and therefore didn’t teach us too seriously (compared to the attitude towards boys)... Later I was always alone, feeling particularly lonely, finally quited the class as well. Before going to college, I didn't try this sport again and "naturally" thought it didn't belong to me because I was a girl.

